128 ISSUES 1916-1919, New York Times Mid-Week Pictorial, WW1 WORLD WAR I, +++
These are heavily illustrated with photos of WWI I've not seen anywhere else. This is a week by week account of what was going on, how military leaders changed, President Woodrow Wilson, Austria's new Emperor, Statue of Liberty with new lighting, German war balloons, German fighting monoplane, guards at Brooklyn Bridge, destruction of French homes and cathedrals, US Marines, Gen. Pershing, US and British Navy, German submarines, Russian new offensive, US Navy Dreadnoughts, Pope Benedict XV, Airships, WWI tanks, Flanders, German cartoons, Rolls of Honor, Italian front, fighting for Jerusalem, Scottish troops, Carrier Pigeons, Peace Conference, Battle of Jutland, Historic Maps, Transatlantic Flight NC-4, Versailles, Argonne Battlefield, and so much more. A must have for any serious WWI Collector or researcher. It is mostly complete, but there is an occasional issue missing. Key groupings are from October 26, 1916 to Nov.
7, 1918, and Jan 9, 1919 to July 3, 1919. Each issue is full of so many photos and there are 128 issues to explore.
Most are bound in the New York Times binders, but the stack in front you see in the photos does not have a binder. If there is a particularly issue of concern for you, please contact me and I'll try to answer your question. These are over 100 years old and they are a mix of condition. While complete, some do have tears or folds as you might expect with age.