World War One

WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF

WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF
WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF

WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF

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WWI US Army ID Disc Dog Tag CARROLL Mechanic 135th Infantry 34th Division AEF